24 August 2006

sugar, spice & beyond...

toe holding

spending time on her tummy

giant take-up-half-her-face smiles
adorable giggles

wearing the same sunsuit every other day

cracking up at her big brother
making her big brother crack up at her

waking up talking

rolling over
& over
& over
& over

covering her eyes with her arm while she eats

sleeping with bum the in the air
thumb in the mouth

turning toward daddy, mama & Q's voice

waiting for her hair to grow
buying barettes for when it does

giant you-go-girl burps

grabbing at everything
putting it all in her mouth

melting hearts all over lane county

sweet smells
big dreams

that’s what my little girl is made of…


Anonymous said...

Our Merra Susan is absolutely adorable.
Bright and bubbly. A real American Doll.

Anonymous said...

This is so precious...how old is she?

Mrs.Kate.W said...

She is completely adorable...even when she spits on me! I love her more everyday!

Rachael said...

a true blessing - with thousands of little blessings wrapped up inside