29 September 2008

as miss m says just as i am leaving from tucking her in 'wait! i need tell you somthing'

a few somethings that i've been stacking up...
(& to make this a little more fun
i'm going to try out the webdings font that i just noticed
to bullet each point
oh the fun never stops round here...)

hwe just watched wordplay
oh my goodness
it is so good
jmbmommy mentioned it a few months ago
& i put it in our queue
& promptly forgot about it
& then with the gilmore girls
i just got so wrapped up in stars hollow
& i wasn't ready to leave even
two weeks after i watched the final season
(brian gave me season 7 for our anniversary...
i love that he gets me:)
but finally i broke out
& i left the city limits
& i watched sweeney todd
which drove me screaming back to stars hollow
for another week or so
just watching random episodes
(it helps when you own seasons 3-7
& then are surprised on your birthday with season one
thanks, ang!)
a documentary about crossword puzzles
i know sounds like
but it is so great!
& reminded me of spellbound
(which is i believe exactly
what jmbmommy said when she mentioned it...
what can i say?
she's always one or two steps ahead of me
paving the way
to better documentaries)
spellbound being the documentary about spelling bees
i know double yawn.
not even...
so great & funny
so anyhooo
get them both & make it a geek night
you won't be sorry!
(hey, jess!
what are we watching next?)

bcheck out this amazing wedding shoot
love the wedding dress!
& the bouquets
sigh sigh sigh
i want another wedding!
same guy
different stuff!

k& another amazing wedding
with another amazing button bouquet!

,favorite recent Q-isms:

me: Q do you want some of my blueberries?
Q: yes please (he got his manners from his father)
i hand him a spoonfull of blueberries with yogurt on them
Q: no thanks, i don't like yogurt. it's just the way God made me.
(hello brilliant! i can't even tell you how many arguments
i could have stopped in their tracks when i was younger
if only i had this little gem!
'sorry i don't wash dishes
it's just the way God made me')

miss m sneezes
me: Q please don't yell at merra
Q: but mom she just bless you'd on me!



Kelly said...

Oh man! I loved wordplay! I will have to watch spellbound.

Love the Q-isms! Ha Bless you'd!

Recent fave movie: Fireproof

Go see it on a date with your hubby. You will not regret it!

jmb_craftypickle said...

funny,funny...I have been hooked on a crazy little aussie gem lately...Mcleod's daughters...I can't stop watching it, it is so soapy, with accents! I miss rory and lane, maybe I need to netflix them.