30 July 2007
boys & girls are different
you may be saying to yourself
ever so sweetly
& i never really thought that they weren't different
yesterday i got a little hint
in real life...
the whole fam on a walk
& miss m walking from one flower to the next
(you can not tell me that you have ever
heard of a better baby way to say flower
you just can't
i won't believe it
& i won't listen
flala is the #1 way
& yes i am an open & accepting human being
honoring diversity
why do you ask?)
so miss m is flala hunting
& Q is doing this...
riding a bike
okay so this post is so disjointed
because of course i know that boys & girls both ride bikes
bikes: equal oppurtunity vehicles
(i'm designing the new ad campagn for bikes, you see)
the thing that seemed funny was
that Q was never a flower picker
he would point & say 'flowe'
(which is the #2 cutest baby way to say flower in case you wondered)
but never really interested in having them
miss m
she wants them all
& she arranges them all in her right hand
as she points for you to give her more with her left
& she holds them so tight
that she is gently squeezing the life out of them
(although i guess technically
when i picked them for her
i was the one to take their lives
so that's good
the less amount of guilt on a 16 month old the better)
just cute i guess
& i suppose if we are really being technical
i could have just written that hmmm?
'just cute'
& left it at that...
also before anyone goes & calls
the national federation of helmetless children
NFHC, for short
this was Q's first little stint with the training wheels
& we were all so excited
& it was so fun
& i was taking pictures
& as we walked back into the driveway
we realized that he wasn't wearing a helmet!
oh my goodness
no wonder this kids has already had two broken arms!
but now we have one
NFHC approved
hope you are all enjoying your summer
we are
our family
2 boys
2 girls
2 fun
(oh for cheesey, i know
but i couldn't resist!)
ps i meant to add something to the last post...
the parts they were audtioning for:
serious three year old boy with head turned to the right
confused curly haired girl with head turned to the right
excited dad sitting next to his favortie cartoon character of all time
& guess what?
they got the parts!
25 July 2007
20 July 2007
i'm teaching a class next week in eugene
my friend jill is hosting it at her house
she has a super cute little house
(actually it's pretty big:)
& she will no doubt have the scrapspace decorated to the hilt!
we will make the little box that is pictured up there
& then two layouts
& a card
plus you get the entire cocoa daisy june kit
such a deal!
thursday july 26
let me know if you are interested
i would love to see you there...
(don't you just love that tricky code?)
19 July 2007
what's up with that...
a list of my life in this past week...
new job...
let me just start this bit out by saying that
i don't want a job
i don't want to work
i don't want to be away from my husband while he is home all summer
& away from my sweeties while they are little
but sometimes you make choices
& you don't think that maybe you will have to
make up for those choices by getting dressed
& kissing everyone goodbye
& going to work to sell things to rich people
but then that is exactly what happens...
that said
i really like my new job
i really like that i have to dress in something
other than the black v-neck t shirt
with cute little crochet trim
i got at jcpenney
(who knew!)
that now has aproximately 5 holes in it
but is so
stinking soft
& comfy that i can not put it in the goodwill bag
(who am i kidding?
goodwill would throw it in their goodwill bag)
i get to wear cute clothes
i HAVE to
it is a requirement
which wasn't the case when i worked at jerry brown's texaco
strangely enough...
& i am even going to sew a skirt for myself
because i think i just might be able to...
where is this magical place you ask?
passionflower in eugene oregon
come see me...
or euphoria
as we like to call it in our family
never a bit of litter
everyone says hi & smiles as you ride your bikes past each other
every house is just so
roads are called things like
duck pond lane
gosling lane
pinebough lane
winners circle
leisure lane
no kidding
we actually stayed on leisure lane
& it was lovely
as sunriver always is...
thanks, dad & tam!
while in sunriver
brian & i took mr Q on a little bike ride
Q in the trailer
& b & i on our own bikes
(in case you wondered
though just once i would love to squeeze in that little trailer
& get pulled around
how blissful does that sound?
well, not the squeezing in part)
we drove down to the horse barn
(of course they have a horse barn)
& they had pony rides
& how could we pass up pony rides?
& we didn't
& oh my goodness he loved it
though you couldn't really tell by his face
Q: (very serious, stoic face looking directly at the back of the horses head)
me: are you having fun, bug?
Q:(turns to me, giant smile, entire face glowing)
(turns back with very serious stoic face looking directly at the back of the horses head )
i love that kid...
pictures will be forthcoming...
more to come...
for some reason
i am tired
even after a relaxing weekend plus...
isn't that the ulitmate irony?
i need a vacation to recover from my vacation
pitiful is more like it...
could you really describe a vacation with a one & three year old
i think it is more like
the same old chaos in a different location
not that i am complaining
not even one bit
i'll take my chaos any place you want to invite us...
new job...
let me just start this bit out by saying that
i don't want a job
i don't want to work
i don't want to be away from my husband while he is home all summer
& away from my sweeties while they are little
but sometimes you make choices
& you don't think that maybe you will have to
make up for those choices by getting dressed
& kissing everyone goodbye
& going to work to sell things to rich people
but then that is exactly what happens...
that said
i really like my new job
i really like that i have to dress in something
other than the black v-neck t shirt
with cute little crochet trim
i got at jcpenney
(who knew!)
that now has aproximately 5 holes in it
but is so
stinking soft
& comfy that i can not put it in the goodwill bag
(who am i kidding?
goodwill would throw it in their goodwill bag)
i get to wear cute clothes
i HAVE to
it is a requirement
which wasn't the case when i worked at jerry brown's texaco
strangely enough...
& i am even going to sew a skirt for myself
because i think i just might be able to...
where is this magical place you ask?
passionflower in eugene oregon
come see me...
or euphoria
as we like to call it in our family
never a bit of litter
everyone says hi & smiles as you ride your bikes past each other
every house is just so
roads are called things like
duck pond lane
gosling lane
pinebough lane
winners circle
leisure lane
no kidding
we actually stayed on leisure lane
& it was lovely
as sunriver always is...
thanks, dad & tam!
while in sunriver
brian & i took mr Q on a little bike ride
Q in the trailer
& b & i on our own bikes
(in case you wondered
though just once i would love to squeeze in that little trailer
& get pulled around
how blissful does that sound?
well, not the squeezing in part)
we drove down to the horse barn
(of course they have a horse barn)
& they had pony rides
& how could we pass up pony rides?
& we didn't
& oh my goodness he loved it
though you couldn't really tell by his face
Q: (very serious, stoic face looking directly at the back of the horses head)
me: are you having fun, bug?
Q:(turns to me, giant smile, entire face glowing)
(turns back with very serious stoic face looking directly at the back of the horses head )
i love that kid...
pictures will be forthcoming...
more to come...
for some reason
i am tired
even after a relaxing weekend plus...
isn't that the ulitmate irony?
i need a vacation to recover from my vacation
pitiful is more like it...
could you really describe a vacation with a one & three year old
i think it is more like
the same old chaos in a different location
not that i am complaining
not even one bit
i'll take my chaos any place you want to invite us...
12 July 2007
must make list...
i know lately
(read: past 24 hours)
i have been seeing some really cool stuff
& wanting to share
i know i should just compile it
& make a cute little list
'em's gems'
or something darling like that
but i won't
i'll just do 14 posts a day til i run out...
oh yes
here's another...
this guy takes pictures of abandoned buildings
& outsides
it is all very artsy & cool
i found his site through my most favorite blog right now
posie gets cozy
who is this great girl who lives in portland
& writes about
everything under the sun
old memories
her dog
hanging out
& more
in the sweetest voice you can imagine
she is funny
& real
& goofy
& sweet
& sometimes she gets mad
& even that is sweet & funny
i just love her blog
& i wanted to share...
ps the picture is my favorite right now of my kiddos
it is so them
miss m with her shirt hiked up
& Q with his jack nicholson eyebrows
(don't you think? i'll have to do a side by side comparison someday)
a hint of the cast
little miss getting ready to bolt
& a bit of wacky hair for both...
i love it.
11 July 2007
for the love of trash...
i can't even tell you how much i love this idea...
doubtful you will be seeing them
round my house any time soon
right now we are just trying to afford
plain white trash bags, thank you
maybe i'll get out the paint...
then you'll know why the light is on
in the living room at 2am...
just hanging out
watching reruns of conan
decorating trash bags
08 July 2007
yummy yummy...
hey guys!
you know how i get to work for this super fun scrapbook company
cocoa daisy?
well we have teamed up with another cool company
deja views
for a contest
& let me tell you you can win some really great stuff
paper & embellishments with names like pear, mango & cherry
get your spoon...
07 July 2007
an apple a day...
my dear brian just gave me this great article to read
it is the commencement address by steve jobs
to the graduates of stanford in 2005
here's a little bit...
Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
& the rest is
i would love to know what you think
& if you have some stories of your own...
ps just wanted to say
i love you guys
love you
(even those of you who don't comment)
02 July 2007
to do: redeem my good name & use links as much as possible...
so i've been accused of being
a blog flirt
a buzz builder
a cartoon villian
(from the evil laugh that left coast sister gave me in the last comments)
& contestant in a reality show involving george clooney & flank steak
(if anyone hears about one like this
please let me know...)
it is time to set the record straight!
i must confess
i was using my blog as a to do list
just not wanting to forget what i wanted to tell you all about
i know, i know
get a note pad, lady!
& then
(oh the nerve!)
i never had the chance to expand on the list
(it just gets worse)
we went on vacation!
& i didn't want to say
'we, the gulka family
who live at 00000 blah blah blah drive
in happytown, oregon
are leaving our house full of matchbox cars
& recycled popsecret boxes
for 5 days
please come take everything'
so i just gave a little 'i'll be back...'
darn me
(yes, dad & tam, that is what i meant)
i am not accusing anyone reading of wanting to
break into our house
& rob us...
just trying to be safe
since i don't use the fabric cart protectors on the kids seat of my shopping cart
i thought i should be cautious in other areas)
on with the circus...
strawberry pickin'...
so we are in this play group
oh it is really a
& in this play group
we have a family who owns a farm
oh the joy!
so in october we do the pumpkin patch
& now in the summer we do
the strawberry patch...
love it.
& it was fun!
no matter that after we paid for our strawberries
& Q wanted to put his little container in a brown paper bag
& then he proceeded to swing the bag
to & fro
& then when we had to leave got mad
& flung the now squishy berries
onto the new deck of the henderson home
causing the bag to burst
& squishy berries to go everywhere
much screaming
& punishing ensued
(screaming by him
punishing by me,
just to be clear.
though i must say as i was cleaning
up strawberry goo
& making him help clean
i was feeling a bit punished
& wanted to scream more than once)
no matter...
strawberry picking=fun
& if you are in the lane county area
& want to go strawberry picking
head over to thistledown farm on river road in eugene
(& you thought this was an ad free blog...)
flank steak...
for brian's birthday
all he really wanted was flank steak at my parent's house
& that is what he got
now i will admit
that i have no idea what part of the cow the flank is
it sounds familiar
& i keep trying to conjur up the picture
of the divided up cow from the hebrew national commercial
('we answer to a higher power'
more advertising!)
& i think that it must come from the 'good' part of the cow...
who knew that 15 years later i would be wishing i had been in FFA
instead of FBLA?
life is funny that way...
flank steak
two words
(thanks, dad & tam)
(i figure if i mention you often enough
you will start commenting)
water fountains...
otherwise known as
'i carry my camera almost everywhere
& on the one day i don't
we end up playing
in the coolest water fountain in corvallis
both kids soaked
& happy as sunshine'
oh well...
still fun as all get out
sewing up a storm...
so i had put my sewing machine away for a while
i was sad but knew that it was the right thing
(i answer to a higher power too:)
i was just too busy
& the little quilts & such were heaping guilt upon my shoulders
& God knows what every mom needs is more guilt
so away it went
into the cupboard
& then suddenly my schedule freed up
(see post dated may 29 titled (sigh)
subtitled 'i now have time to sleep')
so i've been plaing around
with some fun stuff
kiddo aprons
baby quilts
other things...
tease tease tease!
pictures will be forthcoming
really they will!
during the time that i was not sewing
a few babies were born
& it killed me to not make little blankets for them
(& to be honest i go in spurts
BIG spurts
so like for example
kelly's little guy
he was not born in the non sewing time
just in a 'oh i want to make something for henry
but when can i?
& what will i do?
& oh no now he is too old for a baby blankie'
but i have some fun ideas for belated
'you were just born' gifts
(i guess those are otherwise known as birthday presents...)
i do tease.
just wait for it
george clooney...
don't we all begin & end with george?
well, okay...
around a month ago or so my dearest friend
of 19 years
(except for the few months when we weren't)
called me & asked me go see ocean's 13
during the day.
without children.
oh the joy!
& we did
& it was good.
& george was handsome
& funny
& smooth.
& so was angie!
okay she was cute funny & smooth..
& we reminiced about the movies we had seen together
well actually we reminiced about the movie theaters that we had been to together
we got to go to the new regal cinemas at valley river center
(will the shameless ad hocking never end?)
(or is it hawking?)
we had been to many movies at the old regal
(behind mucho gusto)
& before that at the theater that was where the olive garden is now
hello old school...
thanks ang!
loved it!
& you:)
now i must go before there is more shameless plugging...
i'm off to target in my old navy & nike shoes...
note to lcs:
there will be an FBLA post coming soon
oh yes there will
hopefully with pictures
& as former FBLA president i expect some lengthy comments from you, missy!
pps note to jmb mommy:
thank you for your help with links
i think i like them...
i still can't figure out a banner
but i am super duper thankful for your help...
so i've been accused of being
a blog flirt
a buzz builder
a cartoon villian
(from the evil laugh that left coast sister gave me in the last comments)
& contestant in a reality show involving george clooney & flank steak
(if anyone hears about one like this
please let me know...)
it is time to set the record straight!
i must confess
i was using my blog as a to do list
just not wanting to forget what i wanted to tell you all about
i know, i know
get a note pad, lady!
& then
(oh the nerve!)
i never had the chance to expand on the list
(it just gets worse)
we went on vacation!
& i didn't want to say
'we, the gulka family
who live at 00000 blah blah blah drive
in happytown, oregon
are leaving our house full of matchbox cars
& recycled popsecret boxes
for 5 days
please come take everything'
so i just gave a little 'i'll be back...'
darn me
(yes, dad & tam, that is what i meant)
i am not accusing anyone reading of wanting to
break into our house
& rob us...
just trying to be safe
since i don't use the fabric cart protectors on the kids seat of my shopping cart
i thought i should be cautious in other areas)
on with the circus...
strawberry pickin'...
so we are in this play group
oh it is really a
& in this play group
we have a family who owns a farm
oh the joy!
so in october we do the pumpkin patch
& now in the summer we do
the strawberry patch...
love it.
& it was fun!
no matter that after we paid for our strawberries
& Q wanted to put his little container in a brown paper bag
& then he proceeded to swing the bag
to & fro
& then when we had to leave got mad
& flung the now squishy berries
onto the new deck of the henderson home
causing the bag to burst
& squishy berries to go everywhere
much screaming
& punishing ensued
(screaming by him
punishing by me,
just to be clear.
though i must say as i was cleaning
up strawberry goo
& making him help clean
i was feeling a bit punished
& wanted to scream more than once)
no matter...
strawberry picking=fun
& if you are in the lane county area
& want to go strawberry picking
head over to thistledown farm on river road in eugene
(& you thought this was an ad free blog...)
flank steak...
for brian's birthday
all he really wanted was flank steak at my parent's house
& that is what he got
now i will admit
that i have no idea what part of the cow the flank is
it sounds familiar
& i keep trying to conjur up the picture
of the divided up cow from the hebrew national commercial
('we answer to a higher power'
more advertising!)
& i think that it must come from the 'good' part of the cow...
who knew that 15 years later i would be wishing i had been in FFA
instead of FBLA?
life is funny that way...
flank steak
two words
(thanks, dad & tam)
(i figure if i mention you often enough
you will start commenting)
water fountains...
otherwise known as
'i carry my camera almost everywhere
& on the one day i don't
we end up playing
in the coolest water fountain in corvallis
both kids soaked
& happy as sunshine'
oh well...
still fun as all get out
sewing up a storm...
so i had put my sewing machine away for a while
i was sad but knew that it was the right thing
(i answer to a higher power too:)
i was just too busy
& the little quilts & such were heaping guilt upon my shoulders
& God knows what every mom needs is more guilt
so away it went
into the cupboard
& then suddenly my schedule freed up
(see post dated may 29 titled (sigh)
subtitled 'i now have time to sleep')
so i've been plaing around
with some fun stuff
kiddo aprons
baby quilts
other things...
tease tease tease!
pictures will be forthcoming
really they will!
during the time that i was not sewing
a few babies were born
& it killed me to not make little blankets for them
(& to be honest i go in spurts
BIG spurts
so like for example
kelly's little guy
he was not born in the non sewing time
just in a 'oh i want to make something for henry
but when can i?
& what will i do?
& oh no now he is too old for a baby blankie'
but i have some fun ideas for belated
'you were just born' gifts
(i guess those are otherwise known as birthday presents...)
i do tease.
just wait for it
george clooney...
don't we all begin & end with george?
well, okay...
around a month ago or so my dearest friend
of 19 years
(except for the few months when we weren't)
called me & asked me go see ocean's 13
during the day.
without children.
oh the joy!
& we did
& it was good.
& george was handsome
& funny
& smooth.
& so was angie!
okay she was cute funny & smooth..
& we reminiced about the movies we had seen together
well actually we reminiced about the movie theaters that we had been to together
we got to go to the new regal cinemas at valley river center
(will the shameless ad hocking never end?)
(or is it hawking?)
we had been to many movies at the old regal
(behind mucho gusto)
& before that at the theater that was where the olive garden is now
hello old school...
thanks ang!
loved it!
& you:)
now i must go before there is more shameless plugging...
i'm off to target in my old navy & nike shoes...
note to lcs:
there will be an FBLA post coming soon
oh yes there will
hopefully with pictures
& as former FBLA president i expect some lengthy comments from you, missy!
pps note to jmb mommy:
thank you for your help with links
i think i like them...
i still can't figure out a banner
but i am super duper thankful for your help...
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