27 September 2010

a sense of wonder: september 2010

caramel apple spice...

it says fall to me :)

the harvest scented candles
(& non-candles)
are out & burning
(or not burning)...


watching: all the new episodes!

the amazing race
& of course


an interview with gwenyth
in entertainment weekly
about her new movie where
she plays a guitar playing country singer:

How are your guitar skills now?
Can you hold your own on stage?

"Uh...you know. More or less.
My husband* says I'm better than Bono,
worse than the Edge."

uh...you know.
that's craaaaazy...
if i was answering that question it would go:
"My husband** says I'm better than
the kindergartners,
worse than the 4th graders"

* chris martin, the lead singer of coldplay
**brian, teacher of 5th graders


people in summer clothes...
trying to get that one last wear before
the rain starts...


those crunchy leaves under my feet
(& in the car
& ground into the carpet)


music actually made in 2010...

the lyrics to these songs are not
exactly kid friendly....
or people-who-who-don't-like-
but if you're a swearing, inappropriate adult,
these are for you! :)

lady gaga
(thank you, glee)

(thank you wendy & the vma's)

& that billionaire song that was on glee last week

(apparently the tv is now my radio)

***extra sense*****

(fashion sense, that is)

fall fashion!
i heart sweater weather...

i loooove this one
from faith21
(it's plus size, even...

anthropology has
so many cute sweaters
(big surprise :)
no plus sizes
(no surprise
(& i've talked to many girls about this)
if they did, they would sell like crazy!)


this sweater dress is so great
(stinking target won't let me post a picture
even though i would totally link back to them)

viva sweater weather!


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