13 May 2010

wonder finds: shoes glorious shoes...

(tweedy converse...they never had a chance...$3.99)

sometimes when i am visiting one of
the many great thrift stores in my city
i have to make myself not go over to the shoe racks...
partly it is attempting to stick to
my little budget
& partly it is picturing brian's face when another pair of shoes
sneaks it's way onto the shoe shelf
(honestly, he doesn't notice when a new pair is added
but he does tend to notice when
miss m's shelf has my shoes on it
& Q's shelf has my shoes on it
& they've really gotten away from me when
his shelf has my shoes on it...
one time brian cleaned out the shoe shelf
that resides on our porch
& brought a box of shoes into the house
that he had personally filtered...
i was not so happy about it
'you still have 12 pairs of shoes on your shelf'
said he
(mine is 3 times bigger than everyone else's)
i was not convinced
but sure enough
12 pairs on the porch
good thing i have a shoe shelf in my closet, too...)

(patent pleather red flats...mmmm...$3.49)
thrift store shoe shelves call to me
& i just need to take a moment
& give a big thank you to God right now
because if my feet were any smaller
the shoe problem in this house would be much bigger

(gold ballerina toe flats...with just the right mute on the gold...$1.99)

& so you see i am a little shoe flats girl
but my sister
oh my sister...
my sister with the adorable twin boys who
are so off the charts in cuteness & height
that her motto is :
go big or go home.

& so one day i get a text
'what size shoe are you?'
'do you have snow boots?'
'no' (we get three days of snow per year tops)
'i have some for you!'
& the next time i saw her she brought these
beautiful girls to grace my closet
(& my feet for a few days each year)

(fabulous furry snow boots...be my valentine?...$one homemade calzone (for real!)

aren't those just the best?
sisters are good for many things
many many things
but one that i have found over & over
is that she makes me see things
that i would have missed...
not just shoes
but in this case
we're talking shoes :)
i never in a million years would have even looked at those...
& now i love them...
thanks, kate :)

then there's this...
'mom can i take pictures with the camera?'
'sure miss m'

& when i looked through them later...

she must have seen it someplace...



Kelly said...

Oh my heart goes pitter-pat when i see your cute size tens in all those lovely ladies! You and I would be in major financial trouble if I lived closer cause shoe shelves at thrift stores are my absolute weakness! My pastor's wife and her two boys were shopping at Ross the other day and they saw some cute knitted flats. The youngest (he's three) said, "look mom, those are shoes like miss telly wears! we need to get them for her!" When I asked how much they were and I was told $10, I guffawed (sp?) and said, "oh that is way too much!" Now if they were $1.99...

Angie said...

love it :)

Mrs.Kate.W said...

Happy to be the bearer of amazing snow boots...found some new boots in my size for $7, reg price $125+. Stick with me and you will have all new shoes for thrift store prices!
Love you and your cute toes!!

Anonymous said...
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Barbara Jean said...

This is just too cute!!
Love how you write....

To Brian: We all have some little 'thing' we love most.
Just be glad your little miss is shopping thrift store racks, not some fancy dept. store".

hugs to all


jmb_craftypickle said...

i like this story, I only wish that my babies had not made my feet grow. I remember the day when I wore 10s and had so many pretty shoes. You do always wear the cutest shoes, you can keep them on my shelf. I would share with you.