you may not know this about me
but i love to restyle things
make one thing into something else
help out a piece that's hurting or just not so cute...
just call me dr. emily ruth
working in my restyle hospital
oh! dr ER!
restyle emergency room!
i see an hgtv show in the future...
check out what came up when i googled 'style emergency'now that is cute...& helpful!)
i went to a church rummage (love that word) sale
a couple of weeks ago
side note:
these are often great places to find vintage treasures
if it's a pretty traditional church
often a large percentage of their congregation is older
(not old, older than me :)
& willing to donate some great stuff for a good cause...
& so that is how i came upon this little sweetie:
(all pictures are from my camera phone
which, sadly (or not so sadly) takes better pictures than my big camera) it's black velvet
(which is really hard to photograph well
please keep that in mind as you look at the photos :)
with two black feathers...
sadly the feathers were in pretty bad shape:

& the way they were attached was not pretty

so i had two choices:
find some more black feathers
or replace them with something else...
happily i have picked up some cute pins & brooches
in the last few weeks
(love the b&w, of course :)so i chose the one that looked best
(super shimmery)
clipped of the back 'pin part' (technical name)
with jewelry clippers
(super cheap & come in handy more often than you would think)

ordinarily i would use hot glue to attach things
(anything! recently i patched a stuffed animal with hot glue)
but on this particular day
i plugged in my glue gun
& about 20 minutes later
there was a pop &
(i kid you not)
a puff of smoke
& my glue gun went to craft tool heaven (aka the garbage can)
i understand that hot glue is not the very best adhesive for all projects
but i just can't resist the immediacy of it!
think it up
hot glue it
it's done!
what to do?
what would the person who made the hat do?
well, dur (that's to myself, not to you)
pull out the needle & thread!

& you know what?
it's so much cleaner that way, too!
& i didn't accidentally burn my fingers & swear under my breath!

if the brooch had actually had the pokey part (also technical term)
then it would have been even easier
though a stitch here or there never hurts
(unless it's into your finger,
then, yes, a stitch hurts)
i'm excited about this little cutie
& have been thinking on a different way to display it
than just as a hat...
the shape is so sweet & simple.
i'll let you know if i come up with anything...
or (even better)
come by & see me at
vintage marketplace this saturday (the 25th)
this little honey will be there...sparkling in the sun
(there WILL be sun!)
along with a bunch of other stuff i'm working on
(they're in the restyle ER waiting room, if you will :)
i'm off to do rounds...
(i could run with this forever...)