06 January 2011

night owl oscar club...

hi friends!
i just wanted to let you know about
my newest 'thing'
(besides pretzel m&m's
those things are killers...)
it's the night owls oscar club!

i love to watch the oscars
but i hate watching when i've only
seen one or two nominated movies
(to be absolutely honest
i don't hate it, i love it no matter what :)
& so i'm going to go watch one nominated movie
every week...

the night owl oscar club (NOOC)
meets every tuesday night
& the showing will always be after 9pm

more info on the blog
(of course i made a blog...
do i do anything without making a blog about it?
haven't you seen brushingmyteethandmakingmybed.blogspot.com?
here's the link:

if you're a local
& you can stay up past 11pm
come on out!
we had a lot of fun this week...
great movie
& happy, awake, movie happy girls :)

i'm super excited about this :)


Shelley said...

You Rock!

Jenn said...

Sadly, I couldn't make it this week. I've seen Inception, so maybe not next week. Can't wait to get out one night with you girls!!